Nova York, EUA - Aulas com Brenda Bufalino
- Building technique, tone, texture speed and clarity.
- Developing material in a variety of modes: swing, bop, latin.
- Musicality: learning words and melodies of Standards and Blues Heads.
- Improvisation: improvising in multiple modes.
- Conscious improvisation leading to spontaneous composition.
- Trading fours, eights, and whole choruses.
- Simultaneous and collective group improvisation.
- Repertory: new original repertory, as well as repertory created for the American Tap Dance Orchestra.
As aulas serão às quartas, das 12h às 14h, no Stepping Out Studios (37 W. 26th St., 9th Fl., entre 6th Ave. & Broadway). Custo: US$ 210 (pagamento antecipado para 8 semanas) ou US$ 30 (aula avulsa).
Marcadores: Brenda Bufalino, EUA, Exterior