sexta-feira, novembro 24, 2006

Happy Feet - Savion Glover e Kelley Abbey

Na matéria do UOL, na verdade um texto da Hollywood Reporter, via Reuters, mais um trecho sobre Savion Glover, incluindo também citação a Kelley Abbey:

Para o sapateado, ele procurou o virtuose Savion Glover, que "representa" Mano com a ajuda da técnica do "motion capture". A coreógrafa Kelley Abbey trabalha com outros dançarinos em grupos, de modo que a tela se enche de milhares de pingüins dançantes, cada um, aparentemente, com seu estilo próprio.

Leia o texto completo no UOL clicando aqui.

Texto no Hollywood Reporter: clique aqui.


No LATimes, outra matéria falando sobre Savion...

Savion Glover's happy feet

... e, aqui, a crítica do Chicago Tribune.


Num outro site, "Cinema Review" (em inglês) há notas de produção falando bastante sobre o trabalho de Savion e Kelley: clique aqui para ler tudo, com direito a depoimentos do diretor do filme, George Miller, a respeito de Savion...

"Given that Mumble is a virtuoso tap dancer, who better than Savion to play him? Savion’s inimitable dancing was motion captured for Mumble’s tapping in the main dance sequences in the movie. He’s a dazzling percussionist. His rhythms are so complex and sophisticated. Tap dancing is music you make with your body, and Savion is a virtuoso. You can play him anything and he’ll improvise to it. At one point, we played him a helicopter and he mimicked the sound with his feet. He was moving so quickly, he was faster than the camera could record…or than I could see with my naked eye. He is quite extraordinary. (...) Savion is the latest in a line of classic hoofers. He loves tap so much, it is absolutely part of him. He feels an obligation to pass his knowledge on, which is why he was the only choice of dancers to give Mumble his Heartsong."

... a respeito de Kelley Abbey...

"Kelley has done everything. She’s the top stage and music video choreographer in Australia and is also an extraordinary performer. In the film, she dances and performs the dramatic moves for several characters, including Norma Jean, Gloria and Ramon."

... e também depoimentos de Kelley...

Savion adds another dimension to the movie. He’s so unique. He’s always expressing himself with his feet. When Savion enters the building, you know it. You can hear him!"

... e do próprio Savion...

"Kelley’s no longer human. She became a penguin on this movie. Working with her was great. She guided me, she had my back…I actually started calling her ‘my right-hand penguin.’"

"The process of making this movie was amazing. It’s all about instant gratification. There I was on stage, wearing this suit with all these little reflectors all over it, and then Mumble was right there on the computer screen. You could actually see me as Mumble."


O mais importante:

"I truly believe that kids are going to see this tap dancing penguin and say, 'That’s too cool.' George Miller is bringing back tap, and I’m just grateful to be a part of that. I’m not the only one; I know there are many great hoofers looking down on George right now and saying, 'Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.'"

(Savion Glover)

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