Nova York, EUA - Max Pollak & Rumba Tap

Nordic myth and African hero-spirits meet and embark on a journey of groove. Inspired by Afro-Cuban folklore and the ancient Finnish epic "The Kalevala", Viis, expressed through tap dance, live music and improvisation, explores the universal story of creation, greed, chaos, and hope. Concept and choreography by Max Pollak in collaboration with Chikako Iwohori. Original music by Max Pollak and Paul Carlon.
Data: 05 a 08 de abril de 2007
Horário: 20h
Local: Joyce Soho (155 Mercer, entre Houston e Prince)
Preço: US$ 20 (ou US$ 15 com carteira de estudante)
Informções: 212-334-7479
Marcadores: EUA, Max Pollak